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Save $4,339 At 3009 Fulton St Alexandria VA

Photo of 3009 Fulton St Nesbitt Realty loves to help our clients save money on their end unit townhouse purchase.
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty
Your Nesbitt Realty Realtor wants to save you money, but we also want to see you get the most compatible property for your money. Ask Nesbitt Realty for more information. There is no reason not to save a little money on your real estate purchase.
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty
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Recently Sold Properties In 22305 In The City Of Alexandria

Photo of 3041 Manning St Are you considering selling your interior row/townhouse in Waverly Taylor? If so, it's wise to know what properties have sold at Waverly Taylor in 22305 in Alexandria. That can give a real estate seller a starting point for determining your 2-bedroom 2-baths home's value. Connect with Julie Nesbitt to learn more about the plan to market your home. Nesbitt Realty is also happy to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your property's market value. Did you know that in Waverly Taylor: Continue reading

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